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Do you actually understand the BASICS of a Temple Night?

What are the ingredients of a Temple?

Did you know, that a Temple is mainly a community space? A space where we are invited to be fully human. Where eros is just one aspect of a temple prayer, a temple celebration. In a temple we might live more aspects on the spectrum of being human than in ‘normal’ societal structures. And: a temple is not a place to just go for some pleasure seeking, Saturday evening cuddling, or erotic consumption of bodies, who’s owners hopefully don’t say no. A temple is also not a place, where somebody else might be responsible for our personal experience, happiness or fulfilment.

A temple is about taking ourselves seriously, with all our longings. Our live invitations. Our challenges. And our celebrations. What does it mean to live our free and authentic expression of our love, our eros and our soul?

In fall ’24 we journey together in a fixed group through the basic portals that aim to bring grounding into your temple experience.
And into your life.

Are you ready to deepen your relationship to yourself?
Are you ready to experience more aliveness?
Take more responsibility for the authentic expression of your heart?
Integrate your erotic intelligence?
Taste the mysteries of your souls calling?
Templing is an art form.
Knowing yourself.
Connecting to the other.
Co-creating in community.
Surrendering to the mystery.

Are you ready to stepp into your
Temple Power?

The Portals:
Sunday 22nd of Sept 10-19h, Zurich

How much do you stand for yourself? What is actually true to you? Do you express your no’s? Your boundaries? Or you do still have excuses to not really take care of what’s actually true to you? In our life, in your relationships, in work, in … ? In the Earth’n’Death portal, we come back to our body. Where am I? What do I feel in my different body centers? (Mind, heart, belly, pelvis) Where do I start and where do I end. Where are my No’s. And what do I need, to accept, strengthen and express my boundaries. Can I take my space? Be in my body? Take my ground? And can I let the things in my life die, that are not true to me anymore? Journeying body consciousness and boundaries. Truth.

Sunday 29th of Sept 13-20h, Zürich

How much do you stand for yourself? What is actually true to you? Do you express your no’s? Your boundaries? Or you do still have excuses to not really take care of what’s actually true to you? In our life, in your relationships, in work, in … ? In the Earth’n’Death portal, we come back to our body. Where am I? What do I feel in my different body centers? (Mind, heart, belly, pelvis) Where do I start and where do I end. Where are my No’s. And what do I need, to accept, strengthen and express my boundaries. Can I take my space? Be in my body? Take my ground? And can I let the things in my life die, that are not true to me anymore? Journeying body consciousness and boundaries. Truth.

Sunday 6th of Oct 10-19h, Zurich

Do you allow yourself to be touched by life? To feel life? To feel yourself, your emotions, your longings, your losses, your pain? To arrive in the Now? Take in what’s happening around you and within you? What is your relationship to your own pain? Do you ignore it, go over it? Make yourself or others responsible for what you feel and experience in life? Or do you surrender to your life experience and accept it, the way it is. Be touched by the depth, the beauty and the pain? In the Water’n’Surrender portal we own our ability to be and to feel. To ride the waves of our emotions. Anger, fear, joy, grief. To allow our bodies to do the magic of digesting our reality, our life experience. And to be touched by ourselves. To be in self contact. To touch our own bodies. Being touched by our own touch. Journeying regular self love rituals. Flow.

Sunday 13th of Oct 14-18h, Zürich
Sunday 20th of Oct 10-19h, Zurich

Are you owning your erotic intelligence? What attracts you? What repulses you? What is your drive? Your drove? Where do you create your life from? And do you understand it? Do you understand your attraction and repulsion patterns? Why they are in place and what they are actually wanting? Can you hold yourself in the way your desires are conquering life? In the Fire’n’Devotion portal we learn more about our eros and how it unconsciously creates our life situations. We journey concepts like erotic intelligence, core erotic themes, existential kink, hunter and prey, archetypes and primal live force. What is your life force burning for. And how can you devote yourself to your inner fire. Journeying conscious nudity within the group body. Joy & Integrity.

Sunday 27th of Oct 14-18h, Zürich
Sunday 3rd of Nov 10-19h, Zurich

How do you co-create conscious interactions? Can you feel and formulate your wishes and desires clearly? Are you taking responsible action towards creating a consensual play or do you just go for your own goals or playing along somebody else’s impulses? Are you able to stay present in yourself while you are interacting with somebody? To breath and stay aware of your own body? And can you actually take in the desires and boundaries of your play partners? Can you tune into the diversity of beings other than you? Can you stay present with diversity and co-create something together, that matches all the playing partners consent? Or do you leave, when it gets too complicated or complex? The Air’n’Innocence portal reminds us that we are relational beings. And that the world is made of a huge range of diversity. To be and stay in a consensual interaction with others, we may learn to formulate our own truth in a way that others can relate to it. And to listen to somebody else’s truth with an open heart and mind. We need attunement, compassion, creativity and the readiness to stay present and breath also when the situations in any play are getting more complex. We learn the wheel of consent, and embodied attunement through primal play. We dive into conscious touch, connective cuddling, massage, erotic play, energetics, shibari, kink, bdsm, roleplay, … . Journeying embodied interactions. Play.

Sunday 10th of Nov 14-18h, Zürich
Sunday 17th of Nov 10-19h, Zurich

Consciously entering the realms of the soul. Are you ready to leave your personal life? Within the soul realm, we stay aware and track our personal ego, without following it. Do you still have secrets? Still think that, your expression of life belongs to yourself? Or are you ready to see that your being penetrates the world, gifts humanity with all it’s darkness and it’s light? When we enter the soul realm, we come into a perspective of oneness, one consciousness. Where our unique expression of our soul, here in this body, has wisdom and medicine for everybody else. And where every soul, every body we meet, has medicine for us. Within the soul realm we are striving for completion. And everything we meet is a mirror to integrate lost or new hidden aspects. Being, through embodied becoming. Becoming, through embodied being. In the Ether’n’Longing portal we are integrating old distorted aspects from our shadow realm and initiate ourselves into new archetypes, balance our inner polarities and re-activate our souls guidance. All through the art and medicine of meeting our triggers. Meeting the medicine that life presents us. Calling in our inner power to meet and heal the underlying distortion or fragmentation within our being. Hearing our unique souls voice. Accepting to stand for our souls truth and medicine that changes the world. We journey archetypes in darkness and light. Soul.

Sunday 24th of Nov 14-18h, Zürich
Sunday 1st of Dec 10-19h, Zurich

The Art of Ritual: Intention Surrendering to Emergence Integration The Void’n’Mystery portal calls us to journey the energetics of ritual as our souls co-creative journey of expansion and completion. We learn the ingredients of living embodied rituals and how to surrender to the mysteries of the unknown / the viod / god. Mystery.

Sunday 8th of Dec 14-18h, Zürich
Saturday 21th of Dec 10-23h, Zurich

A Self Initiation Journey into holding Temple. As a completion we are co-creating a public temple night together, where we and others are invited to join and journey the medicine of winter solstice. Being in service. Experiencing and exploring our gifts. Life.

Sunday 5th of Jan 14-18h, Zürich
COMMUNITY TEMPLE – (optional, but highly recommended)
Information & Registration

Seminarcosts 880.- | Earlybird 660.- before summer solstice
for 7 portal days, 7 integration calls, ongoing self study inputs
group body with max. 10 female spaces & 10 male spaces, ~ 2 assistances
(non homogeneity around age, social background, sexual orientation)
Registration until 18th of Sept.
(Latebear tickets after 18th of Sept are 1100.-)
More about the Training

This training is FOR YOU, if you want to: … invest your focus, time and energy into your individual embodied fulfilment … support others in your temple group and be an ally to their personal growth and fulfilment … ground your ability to safely be in your bodie … listen to your courageous heart … learn how to hold yourself in your erotic and sexual expression … foster your ability for community building … journey your dark sides and shadow aspects … expand your capacity for intuition, to journey rituals and transformational experiences. Although Michèle is holding space from a trauma informed and trauma sensitive perspective, this training does not substitute any psychological therapy around childhood trauma. If you are aware of any deeper emotional, physical or sexual trauma while wanting to enter this training, please get in contact with the organisers. This journey is also NOT FOR YOU, if you … feel that your life is perfectly fine the way it is right now … do not want to actively take responsibility for any changes towards a more fulfilled life experience … only want to find a new partner or lover, or only want regular sexual experiences … do not want to look at and challenge your own perpetrator or victim behaviour … are not ready to meet and own your projections and woundings towards all the beings you encounter (in the diverse group space) … do not want to hold space for other peoples growth journey but only want to focus on yourself … as man do not want to encounter other men in any physical way

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